S3 Pre-Signed URLs vs. CloudFront Signed URLs and Cookies: A Complete Comparison

AWS offers several ways to secure access to content stored in Amazon S3, including S3 Pre-Signed URLs, CloudFront Signed URLs, and CloudFront Signed Cookies. Each solution has distinct use cases, especially when it comes to performance, security, and whether users need access to single or multiple files. Additionally, CloudFront Signed URLs do not support uploads, which is a key factor to consider when deciding between these options.

In this guide, I’ll cover the differences between these three methods, explain when to use each one, and provide real-world examples of the best use cases for each solution.

S3 Pre-Signed URLs

What Are S3 Pre-Signed URLs?

S3 Pre-Signed URLs allow you to generate a URL that provides temporary, secure access to an object stored in an S3 bucket. These URLs are signed using the credentials of an AWS user or role with appropriate permissions and are valid for a specified period. Once the URL expires, the user can no longer access the object.

A major advantage of S3 Pre-Signed URLs is their ability to handle both downloads and uploads. This makes them ideal for applications where users need to upload files to S3 securely, such as when users are uploading images, documents, or other content.

How S3 Pre-Signed URLs Work:

  • A pre-signed URL is generated by someone (or an application) with access to the S3 object.
  • The URL includes an expiration time and the necessary permissions for access.
  • Users can access or upload the file directly to S3 using the pre-signed URL.
  • Once the URL expires, access is revoked.

When to Use S3 Pre-Signed URLs:

  • Secure File Uploads: If you need to allow users to upload content (e.g., photos, documents) directly to S3 without giving them direct access to the bucket.
  • Single File Access: When you want to provide temporary access to a specific file, such as a document or video, for downloads.
  • Direct S3 Access: Ideal when global performance improvements are not required, and you can serve content directly from S3 without using a CDN.


  • Supports uploads and downloads: One of the few AWS solutions that supports secure uploads to S3.
  • Easy to generate: Pre-signed URLs are simple to create programmatically using AWS SDKs or tools.
  • Direct access to S3: Provides straightforward access to content without needing a CDN.


  • No CDN acceleration: Content is delivered directly from S3, which may result in slower access for global users.
  • One URL per file: You need to generate a separate URL for each file, making it less efficient for batch operations.

CloudFront Signed URLs

What Are CloudFront Signed URLs?

CloudFront Signed URLs provide temporary, secure access to objects delivered via Amazon CloudFront, AWS’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). CloudFront caches content at edge locations around the world, enabling faster delivery to users globally.

Unlike S3 Pre-Signed URLs, CloudFront Signed URLs do not support file uploads. They are used exclusively for content delivery (downloads), making them a better fit for situations where you need to deliver high-value content such as videos, documents, or software downloads to a geographically distributed audience.

How CloudFront Signed URLs Work:

  • A CloudFront Signed URL is generated using credentials from a private key, allowing access to a specific file through CloudFront.
  • The URL is temporary and expires after the specified time.
  • The content is delivered via CloudFront’s CDN, ensuring faster delivery from the edge locations closest to the user.

When to Use CloudFront Signed URLs:

  • Global Performance Needs: When content needs to be delivered to a global audience, CloudFront accelerates delivery by caching content at edge locations.
  • Single File Access with High Security: When you need to provide secure access to a single file, such as for pay-per-view content, downloadable documents, or premium videos.
  • High Traffic Applications: Ideal for handling high traffic situations where performance and secure delivery are critical.


  • Enhanced performance: Content is cached at CloudFront’s edge locations, improving download speeds for users worldwide.
  • Advanced security: Supports additional security measures such as IP restrictions and geo-blocking to control who can access the content.
  • Perfect for premium content: Excellent for delivering high-value assets like videos, software, or subscription-based content.


  • No upload support: CloudFront Signed URLs are for downloads only. If you need to upload files, you will need to use S3 Pre-Signed URLs.
  • One URL per object: Similar to S3 Pre-Signed URLs, you need to generate separate URLs for each file.

CloudFront Signed Cookies

What Are CloudFront Signed Cookies?

CloudFront Signed Cookies allow you to grant temporary access to multiple files within a CloudFront distribution. Unlike CloudFront Signed URLs, which provide access to individual files, signed cookies are used to control access to multiple objects during a single session without the need for generating individual URLs.

Signed cookies are typically used when users need access to multiple files at once, such as a collection of videos or a set of images, without changing the URLs of the files. This makes them ideal for scenarios where batch access is required, such as when providing users access to an entire library of content.

How CloudFront Signed Cookies Work:

  • A signed cookie is generated with an access policy, which includes the expiration time and access conditions.
  • The cookie is stored in the user’s browser, and CloudFront validates the cookie each time the user requests content.
  • Users can access multiple files within the same CloudFront distribution without needing individual signed URLs.

When to Use CloudFront Signed Cookies:

  • Multiple File Access: Best for providing access to a bundle of files, such as a collection of videos, images, or downloadable documents.
  • Session-Based Access: Use when users need temporary access to multiple files during a session (e.g., a video course, stock image collection).
  • Maintain Consistent URLs: If you don’t want to modify file URLs, signed cookies allow you to control access without changing URLs for individual files.


  • Efficient for multiple files: A single signed cookie grants access to many objects within a CloudFront distribution.
  • No need to change URLs: The URLs for the files remain consistent, with access controlled by cookies.
  • Session-based control: Ideal for providing temporary access to several files during a single session.


  • Browser-based: Signed cookies are mainly suited for web-based applications that store cookies in the user’s browser.
  • Complex setup: Requires managing policies and cookies within CloudFront, which can add complexity.

Comparing S3 Pre-Signed URLs, CloudFront Signed URLs, and CloudFront Signed Cookies

AspectS3 Pre-Signed URLCloudFront Signed URLCloudFront Signed Cookies
Content DeliveryDirect from S3Delivered via CloudFront CDNDelivered via CloudFront CDN
Supports Uploads?Yes (supports both uploads and downloads)No (downloads only)No (downloads only)
PerformanceNo CDN, slower for global usersFaster via CloudFront edge locationsFaster via CloudFront edge locations
Access ScopeOne URL per objectOne URL per objectGrants access to multiple objects via cookies
Best Use CaseSecure uploads/downloads, single file accessSingle file access, high-performance contentBatch access to multiple files during a session

When to Use Each Solution

  • S3 Pre-Signed URLs: If your users need to upload files or access a single file for download, S3 Pre-Signed URLs are your best choice. This method is easy to implement and is ideal for both download and upload use cases. However, if performance is a priority for global users, this may not be the optimal solution.
  • CloudFront Signed URLs: When you need to deliver premium content globally, such as videos or software downloads, CloudFront Signed URLs are perfect. They offer faster downloads via CloudFront’s global CDN, making them ideal for high-traffic, high-performance applications. However, remember that uploads are not supported, so use S3 Pre-Signed URLs for that.
  • CloudFront Signed Cookies: If you need to provide access to multiple files at once (e.g., a collection of videos or images), CloudFront Signed Cookies allow you to efficiently manage access without generating individual URLs. This is best for session-based access, such as when users purchase a bundle of content or access a course with multiple resources


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