Public Cloud Demystified: Everything You Need to Know

A public cloud refers to a type of cloud computing service that is available to the general public over the internet. It is owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider, who is responsible for managing and maintaining the infrastructure and resources.

One of the key characteristics of a public cloud is its multi-tenancy nature. This means that multiple users or organizations can share the same pool of computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networks. These resources are dynamically allocated and can be scaled up or down based on the needs of the users.

Core features of a public cloud service

Public cloud offers a compelling value proposition for beginners, especially those starting small or with limited budgets. Below are several significant advantages worth considering:

On-demand resources

Public clouds allow you to scale resources up or down as your needs fluctuate. There’s no need to purchase and maintain excess hardware that sits idle most of the time. This is particularly beneficial for beginners who may not have a clear understanding of their initial resource requirements. Public clouds provide the flexibility to provision only the resources you need, eliminating the risk of overspending on unused capacity. For example, if you are starting a new e-commerce website, you may not know exactly how much traffic you will receive initially. With a public cloud, you can start with a small amount of compute power and storage, and then easily scale up your resources as your website grows in popularity.


Public clouds can easily handle spikes in demand. You can quickly add or remove resources to meet your changing needs. This is crucial for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in traffic or have unpredictable workloads. For instance, an online tax preparation service might see a surge in resource needs during tax season. A public cloud allows them to scale up their compute power and storage capacity to handle the increased load, and then scale back down after tax season is over.


Public clouds offer elastic resources, which means you can provision them for a specific period and release them when not required. This allows you to optimize costs and only pay for what you use. Imagine you are a data scientist who needs to run a complex machine learning model for a few hours. With a public cloud, you can provision a virtual machine with the necessary computing power, run your model, and then release the VM once the job is complete. This eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dedicated hardware that would only be used for a short period.


Public cloud eliminates the upfront costs of purchasing and maintaining hardware and software. You only pay for the resources you use, making it a budget-friendly option for beginners. There are also often free tiers available from major cloud providers, allowing you to experiment and learn the basics without any financial commitment.


Public clouds offer a wide range of services and resources that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. This allows beginners to experiment with different tools and configurations without being locked into a specific hardware or software environment. The flexibility of the cloud empowers you to adapt your resources as your requirements change, facilitating innovation and experimentation.

Ease of Use

Most public cloud platforms are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Many providers offer web-based interfaces and self-service portals that make it easy to provision and manage resources, even for those with limited technical expertise. Public clouds abstract away the complexities of managing underlying infrastructure, allowing beginners to focus on their applications and workloads.

Popular Public Cloud Providers

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

As the pioneer and market leader in cloud computing, AWS offers a comprehensive suite of services for businesses of all sizes. With a global infrastructure, advanced security features, and a vast array of services, AWS is a top choice for many organizations.

Microsoft Azure

Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, provides a robust set of services and tools for building, deploying, and managing applications and services. With its integration with other Microsoft products and services, Azure is a popular choice for businesses already using the Microsoft ecosystem.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

GCP provides an extensive array of cloud solutions encompassing computing, storage, machine learning, and data analytics. With Google’s global network and advanced technology, GCP is known for its scalability, performance, and innovative solutions.

Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of integrated cloud services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). With its focus on enterprise-grade solutions, Oracle Cloud is a popular choice for businesses with specific requirements.

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud offers a range of cloud services, including infrastructure, platform, and software services. With its focus on security, reliability, and compliance, IBM Cloud is often chosen by businesses in regulated industries or those with specific security requirements.

Exploring Cloud Services


Cloud storage services eliminate the need for physical storage devices and offer a more scalable and cost-effective solution for data backup and archiving. Imagine having a vast online storage locker accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Popular cloud storage services include Amazon S3 from AWS, Microsoft Azure Blob storage from Azure, and Google Cloud Storage from GCP. These services allow you to store a variety of data, from documents and photos to large datasets and application backups. You can easily upload, download, manage, and share your data with granular control over access permissions.


Virtual machines (VMs) are essentially software-based computers that provide the same functionality as physical computers. In the cloud, you can rent virtual machines with pre-configured operating systems and resources (CPU, memory, storage) to run your applications. This eliminates the need to purchase and maintain physical hardware, making it a more flexible and cost-efficient solution.

For beginners, most cloud providers offer free tier options with access to limited VM resources. This allows you to experiment with deploying and running applications in the cloud without any upfront costs. As your needs grow, you can easily scale your VM resources up or down to meet your specific requirements.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Safeguarding your data from unforeseen events like hardware failure, natural disasters, or cyberattacks is crucial. Cloud-based backup solutions offer a reliable and cost-effective way to protect your data. You can automatically backup your data to the cloud at regular intervals, ensuring you always have a recent copy readily available for recovery.

In the event of a disaster that renders your primary systems unavailable, you can quickly restore your data from the cloud backup and resume operations with minimal downtime. Cloud providers offer various backup and disaster recovery solutions tailored to different business needs.


The public cloud offers a wealth of benefits for beginners, from cost-effectiveness and scalability to ease of use and flexibility. By leveraging basic cloud services like storage, compute, and backup, you can streamline your operations, protect your data, and empower your digital journey. The public cloud opens doors to explore advanced concepts like containers and serverless computing as your experience grows. With a plethora of free tier options and learning resources available, there’s no better time to dive into the world of public cloud and unlock its potential!


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