My AWS Revision Notes

Outpost Use Cases:

• Used for compliance or very low latency, such as in regions like Jammu & Kashmir.

AWS Availability Zones (AZ) & Local Zones:

AZ (Availability Zone): Provides high availability within a region.

Local Zone: Limited services like database and EC2, close to users (e.g., Bengaluru), used to reduce latency. Example use case: Netflix. Local Zones offer single-digit millisecond latency but cost slightly more.

• More information: AWS Global Infrastructure.

Edge Locations & POP (Point of Presence):

Edge Location: A specialized location used for caching to reduce latency.

Regional Edge Caches: Larger caches for less frequently accessed content. More details can be found here.

CloudFront Origin Shield: Adds an extra caching layer to reduce load on the origin server.

IAM & Roles:

Principals: Entities (user/service) that have permissions in AWS.

IAM Role vs. Permissions vs. Policy:

Assuming Role: Temporarily assign permissions.

Switch Role: Switch between different IAM roles.

STS (Security Token Service): Issues temporary credentials.

IAM Policies: Identity-based or resource-based policies.

Bucket, VPC, Endpoint Policies: Different policies for specific resources.

Service Control Policy (SCP): Enforces specific policies at an organization level.

IAM Instance Profile: Used to attach roles to EC2 instances.

More info on IAM policies can be found here.

Signed URLs & Cookies:

Signed URL: Grants temporary access to a single URL.

Signed Cookie: Grants temporary access to multiple URLs (commonly used in OTT platforms).

EC2 & Storage:

ENI (Elastic Network Interface): Bound by AZ, used for managing traffic between EC2 instances.

Instance Store vs. EBS Volume:

EBS (Elastic Block Store): Persistent storage across stops and terminations.

Instance Store: Ephemeral storage tied to the lifecycle of an instance, used for temporary data.

Elastic IP: Use for continuity of public IP addresses.

EC2 Hibernate Behavior: Allows the instance to retain its state, especially with EBS, but not with ephemeral instance store volumes.

Placement Groups:

Cluster: Places EC2 instances close together on the same rack for low latency.

Partition: Spreads EC2 instances across partitions (separate racks) for fault tolerance.

Spread: Spreads instances across racks to reduce the risk of simultaneous failures.

Spot Instances & AMI Version Control:

Spot Instances: Cost-effective for non-critical workloads with potential interruptions.

AMI Version Control: Keep track of updates and versions in case of rollback or updates to the image.

S3 & Storage Gateways:

S3 Access Points: Helps manage access for multiple users by assigning different folders to users in an S3 bucket.

Storage Gateway Types: Use cases for hybrid cloud storage like File Gateway, Tape Gateway, and Volume Gateway.

DataSync: Automates data transfer between on-premises storage and AWS. Learn more here.

AWS Snow Family: Offline data transfer device family, including:

Snowcone: 8 TB storage, lightweight.

Snowball Edge: Multiple variants (Storage Optimized: 80 TB, Compute Optimized: 42 TB).

RDS & DynamoDB:

Aurora Cloning: Enables quick data replication.

DynamoDB Indexes:

Local Secondary Index (LSI): Allows multiple sort keys, max 5.

Global Secondary Index (GSI): Allows different partition keys than the main table, max 20.

Global Tables: Used across multiple regions.

DynamoDB Streams: Captures all CRUD operations.

TTL (Time-to-Live): Enables automatic data expiration.

RDS Proxy: Manages database connections efficiently for serverless applications.

Secrets Manager: A service for securely storing secrets like database credentials.

AWS Monitoring & Security:

CloudWatch: Used for monitoring resources, creating alarms based on thresholds.

CloudTrail: Tracks all API activity and data events.

GuardDuty: Continuous threat monitoring and protection, detects suspicious activities like cryptocurrency mining.

WAF (Web Application Firewall): Protects applications from SQL injections and XSS.

Lambda for WAF Authentication: Can be used to handle authentication in integration with WAF.

Firewall Manager: Manages security policies across AWS accounts.

Load Balancers & Auto Scaling:

Types of Load Balancers:

Application Load Balancer (ALB): Best for HTTP traffic (e.g., web browsers).

Network Load Balancer (NLB): Best for low latency, high-throughput use cases like gaming.

Gateway Load Balancer: For integrating third-party services like intrusion detection.

Auto Scaling Policies:

Target Tracking: Scales based on specific metrics (e.g., 60% CPU utilization).

Simple Scaling: Triggered by an alarm breach.

Desired Capacity: Total number of instances to maintain at any time.

Amazon Kinesis:

Kinesis Data Streams: For collecting and processing real-time streaming data.

Kinesis Data Firehose: Streams data to destinations like S3 or Redshift with minimal setup.

Managed Service for Flink: Used for real-time stream processing.

Kinesis Video Streams: For streaming video data in real-time for analytics.

Backup & Recovery Strategies:

Pilot Light: Minimal setup in standby mode to reduce RPO and RTO.

Warm Standby: Some backup servers are running, ensuring quick failover.

Multi-Site: Two production setups running simultaneously for full redundancy.

RTO (Recovery Time Objective): The time within which systems must be restored after failure.

RPO (Recovery Point Objective): The maximum acceptable data loss measured in time.


EventBridge: Allows integration with third-party services and automation of events like snapshots or spot instance termination.

AWS Direct Connect vs. Site-to-Site VPN:

Direct Connect: High bandwidth, low latency, and more secure with a dedicated connection.

Site-to-Site VPN: Encrypted tunnel over the public internet, lower bandwidth, and higher latency.

Association vs. Propagation: Used in VPN configuration for route distribution.

GuardDuty Data Sources:

Supported Sources:

VPC Flow Logs

CloudTrail Events

API Gateway Logs

DNS Logs

• GuardDuty uses these sources to detect anomalies and threats.

Amazon Macie:

Macie: Scans S3 buckets for sensitive data, helping with compliance and data security.

Amazon Inspector:

Inspector: Security assessment for EC2, ECR, checks for vulnerabilities and compliance, such as CVEs.

Miscellaneous Services:

Global Accelerator: Improves global application performance by reducing latency, working at layer 4 with Anycast IP.

AWS Glue: An ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool for data processing.

Step Functions: Used for building workflows as state machines.

Instance Metadata:

Instance Metadata Service: Provides details about the EC2 instance itself, such as its ID, type, and region.

• Can be accessed through IP:

• More info here.


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